Sunday, April 26, 2009

Higher Education Day! 4/14-4/15/09

Today our mentors and mentees had the opportunity to explore the campus and learn a little more about college life and higher education. Some of them visited Powell Library and Student Store, some of them checked out lecture halls, and some even went to the science labs!

Here we see some of our mentees making their own college schedules. They had to pick classes from the Schedule of Classes, and then got to add extracurricular activities to their schedule as well.

Here we see the mentors and mentees discussing what they learned and saw on their campus tour.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Arts Day! 4/4/09

Today was Arts Day! A wide variety of art forms, including both performing and visual arts, was present at today's event. Artists from different fields performed and showed us their work, and we were able to try out many of the different art forms ourselves!

One of the groups that came to perform was Medleys, an a capella group from UCLA. They make complete songs using only their voices! Here we see them teaching how to use your voice to both sing and make beats.

Sarah and Elise from Committee led an Improv rotation, showing us ways to be funny on the
spot. Even Jimmie got in on the action!

And here we see Divya on the ground. The Improv rotation led to many strange yet comical scenarios.

Showing off some guitar skills. Guitar was another performing art available to try out, with performances by Mentorship's own Israel and Raja.

BC, rapper and local legend, was another one of the performers. He led rap battles and gave us some insight into the creative process involved in rap.

Making art inspired by music... beautiful.

Another station involved making crafts such as yarn necklaces, bracelets, and other accessories.

T-shirt making was a popular station, where mentors and mentees were able to design their own t-shirts. Here we see one of the completed designs.

At this station, we had the opportunity to learn about how to draw characters and faces, and got to try drawing them ourselves.

At this station, mentors and mentees learned about color and form, and got to try out some art techniques.

At the sculpture rotation, mentees and mentors were able to construct their own pieces of art using modeling clay. Creations varied from pot coils to a man with a scooter and a balloon!

Technology Day! (elementary) 3/31/09 - 4/01/09

Today, Elementary School had the opportunity to explore the impact and applications of technology. Here are some of the things we did:

Making Blogs!
Using laptops, mentors and mentees were able to start their own blog together! The blogs are a good way to stay in touch and keep up to date with each other. :)

Experiencing Life without Technology!
In this rotation, we acted out how life would be with no technology, how technology helps us in the present, and how technology may affect our lives in the future. As some of the skits showed us, life without technology sure seems hard.

Taking Pictures!
One of the great uses of technology is capturing moments in time, whether it be through pictures, videos, blogs, etc. Here, we used cameras to capture a day in the life of Mentorship. Here are some of the pictures we took:

M for Mentorship!

Playing around :)

Making Faces :0

Having fun :D